Choose the answer that is an Army writing standard

1. Always use complete sentences

2. Use action verbs

3. Use concrete and specific language

4. Use third person point of view

5. Start with an introduction and end with a conclusion

6. Use formal language

7. Proofread your work before turning it in

8. All of the above

The answer is 8. Always use complete sentences, use action verbs, use concrete and specific language, use third person point of view, start with an introduction and end with a conclusion, use formal language, and proofread your work before turning it in are all Army writing standards.

Explanation of why the answer is an Army writing standard

All of the choices listed are Army writing standards. Always using complete sentences, for example, is important in Army writing because it helps to ensure that the communication is clear and concise. Similarly, using specific and concrete language helps to avoid ambiguity and misunderstanding. Third person point of view is generally used in Army writing because it gives a more objective perspective, while first person point of view can be seen as biased. Finally, proofreading your work before turning it in ensures that there are no mistakes or errors in the final product.

Example of how to properly format a paragraph using the Army writing standard

When writing in the Army style, always use complete sentences. This ensures that communication is clear and concise. In addition, use specific and concrete language to avoid ambiguity and misunderstanding. Third person point of view should be used whenever possible as it gives a more objective perspective. Finally, before turning in any work, be sure to proofread it for errors or mistakes. By following these simple standards, your writing will be up to Army standards.

Additional resources for learning more about Army writing standards

For more information on Army writing standards, visit the following resources:

-The Army Writing Style Guide:

-Army Correspondence Course:

-How to Write an Army Memo:

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